Towards Realist-informed Ripple Effects Mapping (RREM): Positioning the approach

Kevin Harris, James Noble, Christoph Szedlak, Louis Ryan, Hannah Taylor, Elizabeth Smith

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Background: Evaluation approaches such as ripple effects mapping (REM) and realist evaluation have emerged as popular methodologies to evidence impact, and the processes of change within public health as part of whole systems approaches. Despite the various examples of their implementation across different evaluation settings, there has been little or no evidence of how they might be effective when combined.
Methods: With REM’s potential to pragmatically illustrate impact, and realist evaluation’s strength to identify how and why impacts emerge, this paper develops a rationale and process for their amalgamation. Following this, we outline a realist-informed ripple effects mapping (RREM) protocol drawing upon a physical activity based case study in Essex that may be suitable for application within evaluation settings in a range of public health, whole system and physical activity settings.
Discussion: Combining these two approaches has the potential to more effectively illuminate the impacts that we see within public health and whole system approaches and initiatives. What is more, given the complexity often imbued within these approaches and initiatives they hold capability for also capturing the causal mechanisms that explain these impacts.
Conclusions: It is our conclusion that when combined, this novel approach may help to inspire future research as well as more effective evaluation of public health and whole system approaches. This is crucial if we are to foster a culture for learning, refinement and reflection
Original languageEnglish
JournalBMC Medical Research Methodology
Early online date30 Oct 2024
Publication statusPublished - 30 Oct 2024


  • Causal connections
  • Exercise - physiology
  • Humans
  • Public Health - methods
  • RREM
  • Realist
  • Research Design
  • Ripple Effects Mapping


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