Study on shifting from transport of unweaned dairy calves over long distance to local rearing and fattening

Ron Bergevoet, Francesca Marcato, Kees van Reenen, Coen van Wagenberg, Giulio Cozzi, Day Teixeira, Maria Vilain Rörvang, Sonia Marti, Antoinio Velarde

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

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Welfare of unweaned calves during long-distance transport has gained substantial attention from animal welfare organisations as well as in politics and national and EU policy making. The objective of this study was to establish a comprehensive state of play on the transport of unweaned non-replacement dairy calves on long journeys in the EU, which would help to assess the shortcomings of the current system. The study also aimed at identifying current practices at both EU and national level, including those aiming at replacing, reducing or refining transport of unweaned non-replacement dairy calves. Alternative strategies to reduce or replace the long-journey transport of unweaned non-replacement dairy calves are currently only marginally implemented and need further development before being implemented on a large scale. Best practices to refine (improve) the current transport of unweaned non-replacement dairy calves on long-journey transport are available and can be implemented. A successful EU wide strategy to reduce long-distance transport of unweaned non-replacement dairy calves should consist of a tailor-made strategy applied by MS that includes a blend of the described alternatives.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherEuropean Commission
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2022


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