Racing to a Staffing Solution: An investigation into the current staffing crisis within the UK horseracing industry

E. Juckes, Jane Williams, C Challinor, Emma Davies

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The British Horseracing Industry has been experiencing a labour shortage since the 1970’s and despite recent improvements reported in staff retainment, the industry still reports high staff turnover. We investigated staffing challenges experienced by UK horseracing employers and employees, to formulate strategic targets to address any issues identified. Thirty UK trainers and staff (12 staff, 9 senior staff, 9 trainers) participated in semi-structured inductive focus groups lasting on average 39±9 min. Questions explored staff background in racing, perceptions of the current staff challenges, retention and recommendations for improvement. Thematic analysis revealed four higher order themes; (1) lack of skills, (2) differences in perceived work ethic, (3) job conditions, and (4) media portrayal. This study concluded that there are dedicated staff working in the industry, but significant skills gaps, high workloads, poor work-life balance and a lack of training and career progression negatively influence retention in the horseracing industry.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)73-89
Number of pages17
JournalComparative Exercise Physiology
Issue number1
Early online date16 Sept 2020
Publication statusPublished - 11 Jan 2021


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