Influence of Coaching Condition on the Magnitude and Reliability of Drop Jump Height in Men and Women

Alejandro Pérez-Castilla, F Javier Rojas, John F T Fernandes, Federico Gómez-Martínez, Amador García-Ramos

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This study examined the effect of different coaching conditions on the magnitude and reliability of drop jump height in men and women. Nineteen collegiate sport sciences students (10 men) performed two sets of 10 drop jumps under four different coaching conditions: neutral, augmented feedback, external focus of attention, and a combination of augmented feedback and external focus of attention. The augmented feedback condition revealed a significantly higher jump height than the neutral condition (p = .002), while no significant differences were observed for the remaining conditions (p ≥ .38). The external focus of attention condition was more reliable than the neutral and augmented feedback conditions (coefficient of variationratio ≥ 1.15), while no differences were observed between the remaining conditions. These results suggest that both the magnitude and reliability of the drop jump height performance are influenced by the coaching condition.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)167-181
Number of pages15
JournalMotor Control
Issue number2
Early online date21 Dec 2020
Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2021


  • augmented feedback
  • focus of attention
  • plyometric


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