Implementing psychosocial competencies in strength and conditioning coach education: A participatory action research approach.

Christoph Szedlak, Bettina Callary, Kimberly Eagles, Brian T. Gearity

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference abstract


Psychosocial coaching competencies such as philosophical, pedagogical, psychological, and sociocultural aspects are essential to develop
effective athlete-centred coaching practice. However, strength and
conditioning (S&C) coach educators like the United Kingdom Strength
and Conditioning Association (UKSCA) have so far neglected to
include these in their curriculum. Researchers suggest that organizational change requires the engagement and collaboration from stakeholders, who are responsible for curriculum development (Stringer &
Arago´n, 2020). Thus, the aim of this presentation is to outline how our
participatory action research approach with the UKSCA enabled us to
start implementing psychosocial coaching competencies within the
curriculum. In the first phase, we analysed perceptions of 95% of the
UKSCA’s stakeholders regarding psychosocial competencies. Our
findings highlighted that stakeholders perceived psychosocial competencies to be important and integral to S&C coaching practice (Callary
et al., 2022). Furthermore, we identified sociocultural considerations,
where current accepted coaching practices (i.e., behaviours, language,
attitudes) are impacted by the dominance of hegemonic masculinity and
focus on performance. Following on, we explored stakeholders’ perception of how learning should be encouraged. Although stakeholders
lacked an understanding of how to implement psychosocial coaching
competencies, they suggested that a new module could be integrated
within the accreditation process. Therefore, we developed an initial
workshop that introduced psychosocial coaching competencies. Using
the value creation framework, we evaluated stakeholders’ responses to
the workshop. The results enabled us to collaboratively plan a more
comprehensive implementation phase, which focuses in more detail on
specific psychosocial coaching competencies
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationInternational Sport Coaching Journal
Subtitle of host publicationInternational Council for Coaching Excellence (ICCE) 14th Global Coach Conference
PublisherHuman Kinetics Publishers Inc.
Publication statusPublished - 2023
EventInternational Council for Coaching Excellence (ICCE)
14th Global Coach Conference
- , Singapore
Duration: 29 Nov 20233 Dec 2023


ConferenceInternational Council for Coaching Excellence (ICCE)
14th Global Coach Conference


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