Effect of Prosthesis Number and Placement on the Area of the Rima Glottis in Horses

Andrew Dart, Elizabeth Tee, Moses Brennan, Christina Dart, Nigel Perkins, Stella Chapman, Sally Debney

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21 Citations (Scopus)


OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of 1 or 2 laryngeal prosthetic sutures on rima glottidis areas in equine laryngeal specimens. STUDY DESIGN: Experimental, randomized design. ANIMALS: Cadaveric equine larynges (n=16). METHODS: Larynges were collected from 10 horses; 2 sutures each were preplaced in the right and left sides of each larynx. A dorsal suture (DS) was placed through the caudal rim of the dorsal midline of the cricoid cartilage, under the cricopharyngeus muscle and through the proximal and rostral aspect of the muscular process. A lateral suture (LS) was placed 1.5 cm lateral to the DS and through the muscular process more distal and caudal to the 1st suture. Larynges were positioned in a customized stand and the rima glottidis photographed after each suture (LS or DS) or suture combination (CS) was tied in random sequence. An additional 6 larynxes were used to determine whether the tension applied to the sutures was repeatable. Sutures were preplaced in both the right and left side of each larynx as described above and each suture and CS was tied and released 3 times in each larynx. Photographs were taken of the rima glottidis after each suture or CS was tied generating 3 replicates for each suture configuration on each side of the 6 larynges. RESULTS: Mean rima glottidis area was not different between DS and LS when tied alone (P=.85); however, mean area after CS (DS+LS) was greater than DS (P<.001) and LS (P<.001) alone. The coefficient of variation for the 6 suture patterns were low (1-7%) and the intraclass correlation coefficient estimates were very high (0.997-0.998) demonstrating excellent repeatability between replicates for each of the 3 suture configurations. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that laryngoplasty using 2 prostheses; 1 placed dorsally in the cricoid and through the rostral and proximal muscular process and 1 placed 1.5 cm lateral to the 1st and more caudal and distal in the muscular process results in a greater cross sectional area of the rima glottidis than either suture used alone. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Seemingly prosthetic sutures contribute independently to each other in determining the contour of the rima glottidis. Use of 2 prosthetic sutures improves crosssectional area of the rima glottidis compared with each suture alone and may improve surgical outcome in laryngoplasty.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)452-456
Number of pages4
JournalVeterinary Surgery
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2009
Externally publishedYes


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