Effect of fence height on joint angles of agility dogs

Emily Birch, Kirsty Lesniak

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    The Kennel Club (KC) and United Kingdom Agility (UKA) govern major dog agility competitions in the UK. Dogs are categorised into different jump heights depending on their height at the withers, with fence heights ranging from 300 to 650. mm for both organisations. Dogs fall into one of three height categories when competing under KC rules and one of four height categories under UKA rules. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of an additional height category for agility dogs measuring over 430. mm at the withers. Jump heights were selected that related to the percentage of body height that dogs of 430. mm (7% lower) and 431. mm (51% higher) height at the withers would be encouraged to jump under UKA regulations without the addition of their fourth ('standard height') category. Joint angles were determined from anatomical markers placed on the forelimb and hind limb joints, and at six points along the vertebral column. As fence height increased, flexion of the scapulohumeral joint increased significantly for both the take-off and bascule (arc) phases of the jump. The increase in flexion as a consequence of the increase in fence height is likely to result in intensified stretching of the biceps brachii and supraspinatus muscles. In addition, increasing fence high resulted in an increase in the sacroiliac joint angle during take-off. ?? 2013 Elsevier Ltd.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)e99-e102
    Number of pages4
    JournalVeterinary Journal
    Issue numberSUPPL1
    Publication statusPublished - Dec 2013


    • Agility
    • Canine
    • Heights
    • Joint
    • Kinematics


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