Developing physical literacy through OAA

Research output: Contribution to conferencePoster


When we hear the term Literacy, our first thoughts may be towards reading and writing. In reality, Literacy is not exclusive to such curriculum areas and its context and application is more inclusive. In reality, it is looking at our skills and ability to communicate effectively with society and the surrounding we find ourselves. Similarly, when we hear the term physical literacy we may think that it is specific to the development of physical skills such as agility, balance, coordination and skills across a wide range of activities, such thoughts are echoed if definitions such as that by UK Sport (2002). These narrow definitions are outdated and fail to address the ‘whole child’ neglecting the cognitive and affective domains of our learners. Furthermore, it negates the purpose and aims of physical education and the national curriculum. Conversely, as highlighted by Whitehead (2001) ‘literacy’ firmly unites the holistic and interactive natures of a person, and physical literacy must encompass more than physical movement, it must include an ability to ‘read’ the environment and to respond effectively.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2018
Eventaiesep 2018 world congress - Edinburgh , United Kingdom
Duration: 2 Jun 20184 Jun 2018


Conferenceaiesep 2018 world congress
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


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