Delivering Outdoor and Adventurous Activities in Key Stage 2 Physical Education (Part 2): Experience of a Pre-Service Primary School Teacher

Kathryn Sutton, Matt Coldrey

Research output: Contribution to Lay press/specialist publicationArticle in lay press/specialist publication


Within the previous publication (Sutton & Coldrey, 2018), we explored the topic of OAA in the National Curriculum for Physical Education (NCPE), taking an in-depth look at what this should look like, and the barriers to the delivery of OAA in Key Stage Two Physical Education (PE). This research will utilise an action research design, where the researcher has undertaken the action-reflection cycle in order to improve professional practice (McNiff & Whitehead, 2011). The action-reflection cycle consists of six stages: observe, reflect, act, evaluate, modify and move in new directions. In stage one the researcher observes and identifies areas that need strengthening, before reflecting on how this can be improved in practice moving forward. Action is then taken to implement the proposed developmental strategy; in this stage, data must be collected by the researcher for evaluation of the progress made. In line with the evaluation, adjustments may be made to practice generating new areas that could be improved upon thus beginning the action-reflection cycle again, in an ongoing routine of professional learning (McNiff and Whitehead, 2011).
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages2
Specialist publicationPhysical Education Matters
Publication statusPublished - 14 Mar 2019


  • Primary School
  • Physical Education
  • PE
  • Outdoor Education
  • Outdoor and Adventurous Activities
  • Key Stage Two
  • Key Stage 2
  • Junior School
  • School
  • Teaching
  • Primary Teaching


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