A Comparative Study on the Nature of Visits to the Veterinary Practice by Indoor-Only Cats Versus Free Roaming Pet Cats

Emily Sharp, Lizzie Atkins

Research output: Contribution to conferencePoster

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The domestic cat is one of the most popular pets in the United Kingdom; however, there are still many owners with differing views on how best to keep them. The decision on whether to allow a cat outdoor access to roam or to keep them confined indoors appears to be largely based upon personal preference. Some owners believe that allowing their cats outside exposes them to potentially avoidable risks, where others believe it is unnatural to confine a cat to a life indoors.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2017
EventBritish Veterinary Nursing Association Conference 2017 -
Duration: 12 Oct 201714 Oct 2017


ConferenceBritish Veterinary Nursing Association Conference 2017
Abbreviated titleBVNA 2017


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