Background: Interventions aiming to improve physical activity (PA) inside classrooms need to better understand and address the barriers (practical, social, physical and political) to implementation faced by teachers if sustained behavioural change is to be achieved. Purpose: To explore teachers perceived barriers and facilitators to implementing classroom-based PA interventions. Methods: Semi-structured focus groups were conducted with 24 participants including teachers, teaching assistants, head teachers and governors from 6 schools across Gloucestershire. Themes from the COM-B model and Behaviour Change Wheel (BCW) (Mitchie et al., 2013) were used to help guide the group discussions. Once transcribed, thematic analysis was used to code and theme the data. Results: Drawing from the COM-B model, perceived barriers were raised around (a) capability; “there is definitely a fear around…unless they have a sport background there is an element of the unknown that puts people off”, (b) opportunity; “with the overloaded curriculum, it’s a squash to get everything in as it is”, and (c) motivation; “it’s a hard choice when you have lots of marking to do, do we do an outside activity or do I get this done instead?”. However, as identified by the BCW, functions such as education, incentivisation, enablement and environmental restructuring were identified as possible facilitators. Conclusion: Classroom based PA interventions are often faced with problems regarding sustainability. This study highlights the importance of taking multi-level factors, such as lack of capability, confidence and time constraints, into consideration when designing and implementing classroom-based PA interventions.Period | 13 Oct 2021 |
Event title | 8th International Society for Physical Activity and Health Congress: The Wholistic Approach to Health and Wellness through Physical Activity: Body, Spirit, and Mind |
Event type | Conference |